School Year 2024-2025
SAYO-Y (Survey of Academic and Youth Outcomes - Youth Version)
To administer at the end of program
This survey asks what you think about your program. Your answers will be used to help make programs better in the future.

This is NOT a TEST!
This survey is private. Your name will not be on this survey.
Your answers will not be shared with anyone.
Please say what you really think!

4. At this program, how do students get along?
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes
5. What is it like for YOU at this program?
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes
6. When you are at this program...
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes
7. When you are at this program...
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes
8. What are the teachers and staff members like at this program?
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes
9. When you are at this program...
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes
10. How do you get along with others? Read each sentence. Do you agree?
Don't Agree Agree a little Mostly Agree Agree a lot
11. What are you like as a learner? Read each sentence. Do you agree?
Don't Agree Agree a little Mostly Agree Agree a lot
10. How has this program helped you?
Don't agree Agree a little Mostly Agree Agree a lot
11. Thinking about your future, have you ever talked with an adult about...
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes
12. Who have you talked to about your future plans?
No Yes
13. Thinking ahead to your future, what do you think will happen?
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes
14. What are you doing right now to make sure you will reach your future goals?
No Mostly No Mostly Yes Yes

Read each statement and tell us whether you have had the following experience at this program.

1. Problem Solving
Not At All A Little Quite a Bit Yes, Definitely
2. Teamwork
Not At All A Little Quite a Bit Yes, Definitely
3. Self-Regulation
Not At All A Little Quite a Bit Yes, Definitely